Tonk Game version (beta 11) 

[Tonk game] is a 2D tank shooter where you shoot enemy tanks, get money, and upgrade your tank. There are 15 levels to progress through to become the ultimate tanker (levels 8-15 are still in development)


- Added 2 more textures, Stealth and Gold

- Lowered amount of money gained per level

- Rebalance weapon fire rates

- Increased Bouncer enemies health from 16 -> 24

- Doubled Rocket enemies health from 16 -> 32

- Increased Stun enemies health from 32 -> 48

- Doubled Acid enemies health from 32 -> 64

- Added 2 new bosses to the test map, Bouncer Boss and Rocket Boss

- Added units to frame time in the debug screen


- The last 2 skins

- More improvements to enemy path finding

- Levels 8-15

- Bug fixes 

- More GUI features

- Mobile features

- More bosses 

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed issue where acid weapon didn't work

- Fixed issue where a weapon may stop working

- More fixes to delta_time

- Fixed purchasing upgrade when buying ammo

- Fixed name of Skin disappearing after purchased

- Fixed typo in "Keyboard" in the Fullscreen menu


- Bullets now despawn after 5s

- Optimised old code

Available at electrics01.itch.io/tonkgame

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