
tonk game version 3.7.2 (beta 2) 

[tonk game] is a 2D tank shooter where you shoot enemy tanks, get money and upgrade your tank. theres 15 levels to progress threw to become the ultimate tanker(levels 6-15 are still in development)


-health bar at the botton of screen(not final)

-fixeed broken turret on online version 

-fixed shop not showing up in online version 

-fixed error messages when starting the game 

-fixed problems with changing between fullscreen and windowed 

-fixed errors when attacking enemys with rocket 

-added texture for acid gun 

-added more bugs 

-test fix for acid getting stuck 

-driving system (might work better in online version)

-optimised turret object 


-bouncer texture 

-acid enemy 

-engine upgrade

-pricing changes 

-levels 6-15

-bug fixes 

-more cheats 

-more gui features 

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