Tonk Game version 4.1.6 (beta 7) 

[Tonk game] is a 2D tank shooter where you shoot enemy tanks, get money, and upgrade your tank. There are 15 levels to progress threw to become the ultimate tanker (levels 7-15 are still in development)


-Game now runs natively at 960X560

-Menu Textures and GUI are now in High res

-All levels now have the snow background


-further optimized enemy tanks 

-pricing changes 

-levels 7-15

-bug fixes 

-more GUI features

-mobile features

Bug Fixes:

-HUD looks better

-Bouncer moves at the correct speed 

-Enemy spawners shouldn't spawn as fast now 

-Shotgun bullets come out of the end of the barrel now 

-Fixed some compatibility errors 


-Shotgun runs smother now 

-HUD should run smother 

-Transitions between rooms are now smother and more optimised 

-Optimised Bouncer 

-Fixed issues with checking enemy counts 

Available at electrics01.itch.io/tonkgame

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